Gerald Schubert
Professor Emeritus
3695 Geology
PhD University of California, Berkeley, 1964
American Geophysical Union Fellow
1975 -
American Geophysical Union Macelwane Award
1975 -
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Guggenheim Fellow
1989 -
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow
2001 -
National Academy of Sciences Member
2002 -
American Geophysical Union Harry H. Hess Medal
2002 -
Fall meeting of the American Geophysical union, Birch Lecturer
2002 -
ISI Highly cited Researcher
2003 -
Institute of Physics Fellow
2004 -
American Geophysical Union planetary Sciences Section President
2004-2006 -
Kobe International School of Planetary Sciences Invited Lecturer
2004 -
Geophysics Section of the National Academy of Sciences Chair
2008 -
Academia Europaea Foreign Member
2009 -
Tel Aviv University Sackler Lecturer